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India has a broad scope of generating solar energy. The geographical location of India is its benefit for solar power generation. With more than 1 billion people, India is facing a huge energy demand and therefore, solar power is a growing industry in India. India is the rapidly growing economy, and it stands fifth in the world in the production and consumption of electricity. Generation of electricity has expanded over the years, but we cannot deny the fact that the population of the country is also growing.

Some statistical fun facts below:

  • Coal which is our primary source of energy generation, contributes to more than 53% of our energy needs, and it is predicted that country's coal reserves won't last beyond 2040-50.
  • More than 72% population living in villages and half of the villages remain without electricity.

In order to fulfil the energy demand-supply gap, solar is the best source of renewable energy because:

  • India receives sun shine over 300 days a year which is clearly most of the time.
  • About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over India's land area.
  • Theoretically, a small fraction of the total incident solar energy can meet the entire country's power requirements.

Given that you'll have gone through the statistical fun facts, if you assume that ARRS is the answer, well sorry to burst your bubble that is not what ARRS is all about.

ARRS came into existence because of a unified common vision -- "To bring quality solar solutions at an acceptable price to areas within India wherein it is not financially feasible to setup, operate and provide electricity via the conventional method(s) of installing expensive grid lines, thereby fostering the growth of grid-independent communities. At the same time aiding in the creation of employment services through systematic and continuous process knowledge sharing and training."

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32, New Market, Beside Tata Glendale, Vasant Vihar, Thane(W) - 400 610 Maharashtra INDIA

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